A note from Jon Jassy, Rebuild Coaching Founder
I established Rebuild Coaching because, in my work with individuals with TBIs, I noticed the following:
There are not enough ongoing services out there for individuals struggling to adjust to a TBI.
There’s even less available for individuals who don’t qualify for Medicaid (in the United States).
For individuals who have suffered a milder TBI, there’s practically nothing, on any ongoing basis.
Changes in the lives of individuals who have suffered mild TBIs are real and sometimes long-term, even if other people (and sometimes even medical professionals) don’t always see them.
Because individuals with mild TBIs usually come off as ‘high functioning’ and often have jobs, people in their lives assume that they are fine.
Most conventional therapists and coaches don’t really understand the unique challenges and effects of TBI.
As a result, most conventional therapists and coaches have a tendency to misinterpret TBI survivors’ behaviors and inner experience—and that tends to lead to less effective treatment.
There is no ‘magic bullet’ that works to help every, single person who has a TBI, since every TBI and every individual is truly unique.
Even though life coaching is a recommended treatment for TBI—and even though there are millions of new brain injuries every year—the total number of TBI coaches and TBI life coaches that one can find on the Internet in the United States and Canada, at a given time, is fewer than 30.