The Rebuild Approach


At Rebuild Coaching, we know brain injury and we know coaching.

All of our coaches have had personal experience with TBI, and all of our coaches have professional experience and training working with individuals with acquired brain injuries. We also are experienced life coaches. This broad base of experiences allows us to customize our support to our clients’ unique, individual needs.


Customized support for individual needs.


It starts with getting a good sense of each individual we work with.

We not only get a sense of who our clients are now, but who they want to be, going forward. That means that we help our clients get clear on what their individual strengths and challenges are. It also means that we help them figure out what would fuel their fire now, and what would make them excited to get out of bed every day, going forward.

Then, it’s a matter of making a plan, and going out and making it happen.

We help our clients make concrete, doable action plans to address their current challenges and improve their lives, going forward. We then help our clients stay on track, and focused, in making their action plans a reality.


Individuals with Post-Concussive Syndrome and other mild TBIs need exceptional support for planning and follow-through. To be effective, this support needs to be empowering, and it needs to be tailored to each individual.

At Rebuild Coaching, we know how to offer that support effectively.
